MCQ 12. An 11 years old boy is all the time so restless that the rest of the class is unable to concentrate. He is hardly ever in his seat and roams around the hall. He has difficulty in playing quietly.
What is the the most likely diagnosis?
a. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
b. Conduct disorder
c. Depressive disorder
d. Schizophrenia
MCQ 11. Under conditions of anaerobic glycolysis, the NAD+ required by glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase is supplied by a reaction catalyzed by an enzyme.
Which is this enzyme?
a. glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
b. alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
c. lactate dehydrogenase
d. malate dehydrogenase
e. pyruvate dehydrogenase
MCQ 10. The glycoprotein hormones are a family of cystine rich proteins consisting of an alpha and beta subunit, and are characterized by their heavy glycosylation.
Which of the following is a glycoprotein hormone?
a. Cortisol
b. Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRG)
c. Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH)
d. Thyrotropin (TSH)
e. Oxytocin
Which of the following is a glycoprotein hormone?
a. Cortisol
b. Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRG)
c. Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH)
d. Thyrotropin (TSH)
e. Oxytocin
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What does it consist of?
a. Nitrogenous base
b. Purine or pyrimidine base + sugar
c. Purine or pyrimidine base + phosphorous
d. Purine or pyrimidine base + sugar + phosphorous
b. Purine or pyrimidine base + sugar
c. Purine or pyrimidine base + phosphorous
d. Purine or pyrimidine base + sugar + phosphorous
e. Purine + pyrimidine base + sugar + phosphorous
MCQ 8. A pregnant woman who has a lactase deficiency and cannot tolerate milk in her diet is concerned that she will not be able to produce milk of sufficient caloric value to nourish her baby.
MCQ 8. A pregnant woman who has a lactase deficiency and cannot tolerate milk in her diet is concerned that she will not be able to produce milk of sufficient caloric value to nourish her baby.
What should she be advised?
a. She must eat pure galactose in order to produce the galactose moiety of lactose.
b. She will not be able to breast feed her baby because she cannot produce lactose.
c. Production of lactose by mammary glands do not require ingestion of milk or milk products.
d. She can produce lactose by degrading alpha-lactalbumin.
e. She must eat pure fructose which will be converted to galactose moiety of lactose.
MCQ 7. A blood sample is left on a phlebotomy tray for four hours before it is delivered to the laboratory.
Which group of tests could be performed with the least effect on the results?
a. Glucose, Na, K, CO2 content
b. Uric Acid, BUN, creatinine
c. Total and direct bilirubin
e. Lactate and ammonia
Answers: 1. B
MCQ 6. A very high percentage of male patients with proven coronary disease and/or raised lipid levels had an increased level of "pre-beta" lipoproteins in their blood.What is also referred to as these lipoproteins?
a. HDL
c. LDL
d. Lipo B
Key: b
MCQ 5. A striking increase in one of these proteins in severe iron deficiency may be mistaken for a monoclonal protein.
Which is it?
a. albumin
b. transferrin
c. haptoglobin
d. α1-antitrypsin
e. prealbumin
Key: b
MCQ 4. A 60 year old man is diagnosed with a MALToma. This is attributed to a translocation involving MALT1 and a gene.
Which is this gene?
a. BCL1
b. BCL2
c. BCL6
d. BCL10
e. BCL12
Key: d. BCL10
a. Incorrect. MALT1 and BCL10 are involved.
b. Incorrect. BCL2 is involved in other malignancies.
c. Incorrect. The BCL6 gene encodes for a transcription factor expressed by germinal center B cells.
d. Correct. MALT1 and BCL10 are involved.
e. Incorrect. MALT1 and BCL10 are involved.
Citation: Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease
MCQ 3. What is the normal average life span of red blood cells in our body?
a. 10 days
b. 120 days
c. 240 days
d. 360 days
Key: b
b. fatty acids
c. phosphoglycerides
d. triacylglycerols
Key - c
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MCQ 1. Which clinical conditions are often expected in a patient with multiple myeloma?
a. anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia
b. recurrent infections, obesity, and weakness
c. renal failure, osteopenia, and visual disturbances
d. fatigue, fever, and weight loss
e. nosebleeds, bone pain, and heart failure
Key: a
a. anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia
b. recurrent infections, obesity, and weakness
c. renal failure, osteopenia, and visual disturbances
d. fatigue, fever, and weight loss
e. nosebleeds, bone pain, and heart failure
Key: a
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