Biomedical Laboratory Science


Friday, August 5, 2016

Throat Cancer: Get the Facts

The throat is often described as having many different parts. This article looks at two of the more common places throat cancer can occur: the pharynx and the larynx.
  1. The pharynx is most commonly thought of as the throat. It is a tube around 5 inches long that leads from behind the nose to the food pipe.

  2. The larynx is also known as the voicebox. It is a short passage just below the pharynx. The larynx holds the vocal cords and a small piece of tissue called the epiglottis.
The epiglottis moves to cover the top of the larynx so food cannot enter it when people breathe.

Cancer in the throat is uncommon when compared with other forms of cancer. Early symptoms of
throat cancer include a long-lasting cough and pain when swallowing.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Continuing Case for Point-of-Care Testing for HbA1c

There is an ongoing conflict between traditional clinical laboratories and the relative new kid on the block, point-of-care testing (POCT). Of course, the laboratory system will likely always be king. But there is absolutely a place for POCT, especially as the way in which we approach healthcare, especially diagnostics, develops beyond the usual settings.

POCT ensures the rapid provision of diagnostic information, ideally during one consultation, to enable clinical decisions to be made at the earliest opportunity. Such rapid provision of information facilitates optimization of the care process. The potential for any application of POCT can, therefore, be judged in terms of its contribution to decision making and to the process of care.

In the case of the management of diabetes patients, POCT for glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) may offer a number of advantages—as long as the performance characteristics of the analyzers used are equivalent to those employed in the central laboratory, and can be certified as such.

The use of HbA1c for management of diabetes
Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is well-recognized as a reliable measure for glycemic control.

Figure 1. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) explained
Source: mlo-online

Change in 'Cervical Stitch' Thread Size Could Save Infants' Lives

The cervical stitch is a common procedure used to prevent preterm birth. Breaking research concludes that the size of the thread used can make a significant difference to the outcome for the infant.

An estimated 1 in 10 American babies are born prematurely.

Being born before the 37-week mark is the greatest contributor to infant death and a leading cause of long-term neurological disabilities.

Preterm births are triggered by the cervix opening too early and allowing the baby to enter the birth canal.

Women who are considered at high risk of miscarriage or preterm birth often undergo the cervical stitch procedure, also known as cervical cerclage.

A small change in cervical stitch thread size could save lives.

SAQs 3: Gilbert's Syndrome - A 24-year old man with no significant past medical history presents with an episode of mild jaundice.

A 24-year old man with no significant past medical history presents with an episode of mild jaundice. His liver function tests are normal apart from a bilirubin of 45 µmol/L. There is no bilirubinuria. His GP wonders whether this could be due to hemolysis, but you wish to explore an alternative diagnosis of Gilbert's Syndrome.

Answer these questions:
(a) Is this patient likely to have conjugated or unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia?
(b) State two routinely available biochemistry tests that are of use in the exclusion of hemolysis.
(c) What might be seen on blood microscopy indicating increased erythrocyte turnover secondary to hemolysis?
(d) State two factors that exacerbate the mild hyperbilirubinemia of Gilbert's syndrome.
(e) Describe the genetic cause of Gilbert's syndrome.
(f) Discuss the diagnostic performance of genetic testing for Gilbert's syndrome.

Funny Picture 17: "Nurse, can you double check the instruments?"

How To Relieve Painful Urination?

The human body is the most sophisticated creation of God that suffers from many diseases in the life time. These diseases are of various types, and they have different symptoms, effects and remedies. Some of these diseases are caused by various nutritive elements, whereas some others are caused by the infections that occur due to various reasons.

The infection of the urine is a severe ailment that leads to some very serious consequences. Medically, it is termed as Urinary Tract Infection or UTI. Obviously, it is a serious disease that causes a tremendous amount of pain to the humans suffering from it. Usually, there is a separate system of organs that is assigned the task of taking the waste water out of your body.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Pregnancy Rates Higher for Women Who Have Had Tonsils, Appendix Removed

New study has uncovered a surprising association, finding that the surgical removal of the appendix or tonsils in younger age may increase a woman's chance of pregnancy.

Study co-author Sami Shimi, clinical senior lecturer in the School of Medicine at the University of Dundee, United Kingdom, and colleagues say their findings - published in Fertility and Sterility - should ease concerns that such procedures may reduce a woman's fertility.

The surgical removal of the tonsils, known as a tonsillectomy, is normally carried out as a result of frequent infection or inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis) or sleep-disordered breathing.

Surgical removal of the appendix, called an appendectomy, is normally the first-line treatment when the organ becomes infected or swollen - a condition known as appendicitis.

Women who underwent a tonsillectomy or appendectomy when younger
were found to have higher pregnancy rates in a new study.
Source: medicalnewstoday

Overcoming the Fear of Injections for Diabetes

Do you have an objection to injections? If you have type 2 diabetes, you may be afraid you’ll eventually need to give yourself insulin injections, or maybe your doctor has mentioned non-insulin injections might be in your future.

Treating diabetes with injections does not mean you have failed or did not follow your doctor’s instructions. Many diabetics will need insulin shots over time, and non-insulin injections are just a newer form of diabetes medication. However, you do need to overcome your fear and resistance if you want to get your diabetes under control. In order to do this, it’s important to determine the root of your anxiety, and identifying the problem can help you find solutions.

Get the Facts
While there have been attempts at developing an inhaled insulin, injections are currently the most common form of delivery with the technology available today.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Colorecal Cancer: Minimally Invasive, Triple-Therapy Patch Destroys Tumors

Research released by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology describes an adhesive patch that can deliver a triple-combination of drug, gene, and light-based therapy to colorectal tumors.

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. The lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer is 1 in 21 for men and 1 in 23 for women.

Most colorectal cancers begin as a growth, or tumor, on the inner lining of the colon or rectum called a polyp, and they can change to cancer over many years. Not all polyps become cancer.

It usually takes around 10-15 years for abnormal cells to grow into colorectal tumors. With regular screening, polyps can be removed before they develop into cancer.

Although the type of treatment for colorectal cancer largely depends on the stage of cancer, treatment options are often surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

The triple-therapy patch could be used to treat any remaining cancer cells at the tumor site after surgery.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

If You Want to Study in the United States

Book 2: Graduate and Professional Study and Research

Graduate and Professional Study and Research — how to research and apply to U.S. master’s, doctoral degree, and postdoctoral programs, plus information on certification and licensing procedures for professionals who wish to further their education or practice in the United States.

It is one of a series of four introductory booklets published by the U.S. Department of State to provide objective and practical advice to prospective international students and scholars on studying in the United States.

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