Biomedical Laboratory Science


Showing posts with label Spread. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spread. Show all posts

Monday, March 30, 2020

Watch the dynamic spread of the global pandemic COVID-19 !

This is how Covid-19 is spreading pandemic across the globe !

Watching carefully the entire video presents a very interesting and important hidden information how rapidly the virus at first spreads in China, then subsequently to other countries, at the same time how some countries including China were able to control and maintain the rate of spread while others such as Italy not able to and USA making to top !

Saturday, October 15, 2016

What Does Breast Cancer Feel Like? Lumps and Pain Explained

In breast cancer, abnormal genes cause breast cells to grow uncontrollably and not die off as they normally would.

If these cells grow slowly and don't invade other tissues, they cause benign tumors. These are lumps that are not usually considered dangerous to health.

When abnormal cells grow at a more rapid rate and begin to invade surrounding tissues, they form cancerous tumors. These lumps pose a serious risk and can spread, creating new tumors throughout the body.

When breast cancer first appears, it can cause a wide range of different symptoms. Always seek
medical attention if in doubt about possible breast symptoms. Breast cancer can also affect men.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

How Hepatitis C Spreads

You may have heard of hepatitis C (HCV or hep C), the potentially deadly virus that causes liver inflammation. HCV often produces no symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage, which makes it hard to know you’ve been infected. However, if you understand the ways in which hep C spreads, you can take precautions to reduce your risk of contracting this virus.

What is hepatitis C?
Hepatitis, in general, refers to liver inflammation. Many things can cause liver inflammation, including toxic chemicals, medications and drug or alcohol abuse. These types of hepatitis sometimes clear up on their own and may not even require treatment.

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